Guide Dogs of the Desert

About the Organization

Blindness is a disability that can strike anyone - at any moment, with devastating results. Blindness can happen at birth, from an accident, complications associated with aging, coronary disease, diabetes, glaucoma, and macular degeneration. Since 1972, Guide Dogs of the Desert has been making a difference in blind and visually impaired individuals' lives by graduating more than 800 student /Guide Dog teams. Students that graduate from Guide Dogs of the Desert leave with the gift of newfound confidence, independence, mobility, and infinite smiles.

Our students get matched with the highest-quality Guide Dog during our admissions process. Once accepted, they attend a 28-day in-residence training program with fellow students that includes every nuance of living and working together. Our trainers ensure that our Guide Dog teams fit all of our students' personal needs and home environments through small, individualized classes. Because of our founding philosophy, all training is provided at no cost to the student.

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