75-105 Marle Drive Suite 300 Palm Desert, CA 92211
About the Organization
Palm Springs Air Museum is open year round 10 to 5; children 12 & under get in free with paid adult admission; Education programs with flight exhibitions occur weekly November to May. Over 130,000 annually visit the Museum's five hangars totaling 91,000 square feet, housing 75+ flying and static aircraft - inside and outside. Warbird rides are for sale most weekends. Free admission is offered to special needs populations and to public school groups. Guided Youth Tour Docents service over 6,000 students annually; Schools are reimbursed for their buses. Special events include Memorial Day Flower Drop & Air Fair, a Halloween themed Chili and Car Show, and a Santa Fly-In (themes change every couple of years). Our most recent "Snowtopia" featured real snow and Santa, and over 5,000 visited over 4 evenings. Signature exhibits include POW Bracelet Display; Tuskegee Airmen Mural, Women Pilots, Pearl Harbor diorama; Open Cockpit experiences on Saturday mornings; and partnerships for STEM education, First Flight where 50 high school students per year fly in a Cessna 182 and are encouraged to look at aviation careers, Airplane Mechanics Internship with a local high school, Air Traffic Control Day and Rocketry Explorations. Newest exhibitions are the F-117 Nighthawk Stealth Fighter, and the B-29 Nose and Cockpit. There is also an Education Center / Library with over 13,500 volumes, many first person; Flight simulators teach lift off & landing techniques; visitors are able to walk inside a B-17 and C-119 most mornings; and inside a flyable C-47 when the C-47 is not flying.
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