American Association of University Women Special Projects Fund

About the Organization

Our cornerstone mission is TECH TREK. This is a weeklong academic, residential camp at a university featuring hands-on activities in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Professional women in STEM-related careers present and work with our Coachella Valley junior high school girls throughout the week. A hands-on virtual Tech Trek week is also offered for those who cannot attend in-person camp sessions. Every junior high school girl attending a Tech Trek STEM Camp is sponsored and is nominated for the program by her middle school science or math teacher. Local AAUW branch coordinators give schools and teachers guidelines for nominating campers. Girls and their parents complete an application and write a short essay. Local AAUW members interview prospective campers and then select the number of campers based on the amount of sponsorship money raised - camp costs are currently estimated to be $1,150 per girl. Virtual camp costs are $600 per girl. Tech Trek STEM Campers from the Coachella Valley are funded by donations from AAUW Coachella Valley members, individuals, and organizations who support AAUW's Mission and STEM educational opportunities for girls.

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