Health Assessment and Research for Communities

About the Organization

HARC is a nonprofit that supports community health and well-being through data. One way that we do this is our Coachella Valley Community Health Survey, which we conduct every three years and provide back to the community free of charge. This year is our seventh survey!

The topics covered by the survey are driven by community input and include subjects such as healthcare access, mental health, socioeconomic needs, air quality, food security, and more. The population health survey also helps identify health disparities, especially among at-risk, underserved groups. HARC will collect survey data by mailing a flyer to a random sample of 25,000 households across the Coachella Valley encouraging people to go online to take the survey. We're striving to have at least 2,500 people complete the survey, as in all of our past cycles.

The project has an overall budget of $252,000. The $25,000 from this fundraiser will allow us to supplement the online survey with paper surveys, in order to make the survey more accessible for people. As a result, all contributions from this fundraiser will help make sure that everyone's voice is heard.

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