Read With Me Volunteer Programs

About the Organization

Read With Me started in 2004 in one school in Mecca, CA. Twenty two years later Read with Me recruits, trains and mobilizes more than 500 active retired (and non retired) volunteer tutors for 22 schools in the Coachella Valley of California and two schools in Nevada to be the backbone and core of this early-intervention literacy program.

The Read With Me Program is unique in that it bonds two of society's most valuable resources: disadvantaged children living in third-world living conditions who have the ability to learn and understand English together with caring, qualified underutilized educated retired adults who want to make a difference in the lives of children.

In concert with volunteers, dedicated teachers in the classroom and community sponsors such as churches, clubs and senior citizen centers, the Read With Me Volunteer Programs tutors more than 4,200 children and engages more than 13,500 children a year to help them with English language acquisition, and provide them books.

Read With Me is continuously recruiting volunteers to tutor the most struggling elementary school children in the Coachella Valley. If you are interested in volunteering, please call 760-567-1830.

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