Palms to Pines Parasports (SoCal Adaptive Sports)

About the Organization

We offer consistent programming with Desert ARC in both Palm Desert and Yucca Valley, tennis/pickleball in partnership with Aceing Autism and Special Olympics at Rancho Las Palmas, archery in Indio, adaptive ice skating in partnership with the Berger Foundation Iceplex, hiking with Friends of the Desert Mountains, as well as, many other programs. We focus on the Coachella Valley and Riverside County but provide programs throughout southern California with numerous partners. We also partner with CV Alzheimer's on a monthly basis.

We are about leveling the playing field, creating greater access and societal inclusion.

We work with well over 150 unique athlete and family members/month.

Our school program has worked with over 2800 children with Coachella Valley Unified School District and we will also start working with Desert Sands Unified School District. Our school program, which is highly impactful in helping students understand inclusion, is called Sports for everyBODY!

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